Building a static version of Qt libraries

I. Building a static version of OpenSSL libraries (libcrypto.lib and libssl.lib)



1. Open the Perl shell (command line) and go to OpenSSL source directory:

cd c:\OpenSSL\openssl-1.1.1q

2. Create makefile for static release libraries in target d:\OpenSSL\Release directory:

perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-shared no-stdio no-sock --prefix=d:\OpenSSL\Release\ --openssldir=d:\OpenSSL\Release\

3. Check makefile for LIB_CFLAGS=/MT option.

4. Run Visual Studio 2019 x64 Native Tools Command and go to OpenSSL source directory:

cd c:\OpenSSL\openssl-1.1.1q

Then run the following commands consequently:

nmake install

5. Check d:\OpenSSL\Release\lib\ directory for libcrypto.lib and libssl.lib files.

II. Building a static version of Qt libraries directly linked to static OpenSSL libraries


  • Jom is a clone of nmake to support the execution of multiple independent commands in parallel. ( Extract it to d:\Qt\JOM_3_1_1 for example.
  • Python ( Install it to d:\Python27\.
  • source codes ( Extract it to c:\Qt-5\ for example

    Go to C:\Qt-5\qtbase\mkspecs\common and change msvc-desktop.conf like this (change all MD to MT to remove dependency on msvc dlls) initial values:


    should be changed to:


  • libcrypto.lib and libssl.lib OpenSSL static libraries, for example in d:\OpenSSL\Release\lib directory. The include files are in d:\OpenSSL\Release\include directory.
  • AdvAPI32.Lib, Crypt32.Lib, Gdi32.Lib, User32.Lib system files in d:\OpenSSL\Release\lib directory. Copy from any Windows Kits, for example c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.22000.0\um\x64. This is required to create the correct static OpenSSL configuration (-openssl-linked).
  • Visual Studio 2019 x64 compiler.


1. Run Visual Studio 2019 x64 Native Tools Command and go to Qt source directory:

cd c:\Qt-5

2. Add jom and Python directories to PATH:

SET PATH=d:\Qt\JOM_3_1_1;d:\Python27\;%PATH%

3. Create makefile for static Qt libraries with static OpenSSL libraries for d:\Qt\Qt5.15.2\msvc2019_static_ssl_64 target directory:

configure -static -debug-and-release -no-pch -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -plugin-sql-sqlite -opengl desktop -prefix d:\Qt\Qt5.15.2\msvc2019_static_ssl_64 -platform win32-msvc2019 -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtdoc -skip qtwebengine -opensource -confirm-license -make libs -nomake examples -nomake tests -openssl-linked -I "d:\OpenSSL\Release\include" -L "d:\OpenSSL\Release\lib" OPENSSL_LIBS="-llibcrypto -llibssl -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lcrypt32 -luser32"

Check c:\Qt-5\config.summary report for:

OpenSSL ................................ yes
Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ yes
OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ yes

4. Then run the following commands consequently:

jom install

5. Add libcrypto.lib and libssl.lib along with Qt libraries to application project.